Category Archives: Uncategorized

Outdated, I know

If you found this webpage, please know that everything on here is old and outdated.

Should I update it, probably. To be honest, I’d rather be on the water with all of you.

I may get around to coming back here and writing new copy, I may not. In the meantime, enjoy some of my history. For now, I’m out there living my new story.

GORGE Announcements and Registration Info

Thank you to everyone for your patience as I worked out arrangements for TWO weeks in the Gorge!

I am excited to offer my first Women’s Edge – Gorge Edition July 5-7th (SOLD OUT), along with at least two Lock, Load & Launch Technique Clinics (Sunday, July 10 & Tuesday, July 12), and some OC2 runs along with private bookings for one-on-one or small group sessions.

***OC2 runs are SOLD OUT. Your request will be added to the waitlist on a first come first served basis***

Register for anything and everything you want to do with The Stanley Edge at the GORGE by filling out this form.

 If you have any questions, please email

This is what I look like when I’m having fun riding and connecting
I swear I told him to stop paddling 😉

Vancouver Island Clinics

1 Weekend – 4 Clinic Options

Leanne will be hosting 4 different OC1/V1 clinics plus a bonus!

Pick one, pick two, or three depending on your skill level and what you want to learn!

Click the links for clinic descriptions and email me to hold your spot!

Minimum numbers required. Must have access to a canoe.

Saturday, April 16 @ Comox:

9am-11am: Technique Clinic (Novice/Intermediate)

12pm-1:30pm: Just Feel It!

2:30pm-4:30pm: Technique Clinic (Intermediate/Advanced)

Sunday, April 17 @ Comox:

9am-11am: V1 Clinic

Afternoon @ Nanaimo? if you would like something Sunday afternoon/evening in Victoria or on the way through from Comox to Victoria in the afternoon (looking at you Nanaimo!), please contact me asap.

Monday, April 18 @ Victoria:

9am-11am: Technique Clinic – level will be based on participants.

April 9/10 Clinics in Kelowna

1 Weekend – 4 Clinic Options

Leanne will be hosting 4 different OC1/V1 clinics. Pick one, pick two, or three depending on your skill level and what you want to learn! Click the links for clinic descriptions and email me to hold your spot!

Minimum numbers required. Must have access to a canoe (your own, borrow a friend, use KPC canoes if member, rent from me).

Saturday, April 9: (note that schedules have shifted slightly at accommodate the CORA Off The Water Zoom at 4pm)

8am-10am: Technique Clinic (Novice/Intermediate)

10:30pm-12pm: Just Feel It!

1:00pm-3pm: Technique Clinic (Intermediate/Advanced)

Sunday, April 10:

9am-11am: V1 Specific Clinic

12pm: If you want something here, let me know!

Want to paddle with me?!

Here’s your chance to get The Stanley Edge in 2022 …

My 2022 schedule is starting to come together so I can finally answer folks that have been asking for lessons, clinics and camps. By the looks of things I’ll be hitting locations around Canada (AB, BC, ON, and possibly QC), some in the USA (FL, CA, & OR), and hopefully the UK in August with some time in Northern Europe (if the state of the world permits) .

If you are interested in having me come to your area, or you want to come paddle here in Kelowna, BC, please express your interest in our online form. If there is nothing for your area on there, please email

*Note that locations and dates may be flexible, more dates may be added. Fall schedule not yet set